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Why consider Flutter for your next app project ?

你可以在你的下一个应用项目中使用各种框架. Backed and developed by tech giant, Google, Flutter is a major contender. 

Let’s see if it’d be a fit for your project. Here’s a quick checklist. 

Flutter excels if

You’re a startup or entrepreneur
You want a lowered cost or risk of development
You want a fast turnaround
You want one development team
You want reduced support and maintenance costs

Minimum viable product apps


An MVP 应用程序的精简版本是否具有足够的功能供用户使用, 谁的反馈能让开发者开发出功能更丰富的应用版本, all the way to a finished product.

走MVP路线可以将应用所有者的风险降至最低,并避免再次猜测用户的真正需求. 如果你想为潜在感兴趣的投资者或利益相关者创造一种“投资工具”——一种“概念证明/财务可行性证明”工具,这也是一种极好的方法.

Flutter excels as a medium for writing MVP apps, 拥有所有应用开发框架中最快的上市时间. 一个被称为“热重新加载”的功能意味着可以快速对代码进行更改,而不必花费数小时重新构建应用程序本身.

Flutter is modern, logical and easy to develop with, 并利用“跨平台”技术,而不是分别编写Android和iOS应用程序, developers write one codebase, 它生产的Android和iOS应用具有相似的外观和感觉.

Single codebase, single development team

Not only does this cut down on development time, 但它也有减少维护和支持时间的好处. There’s only one codebase to look after.

使用Flutter开发的应用程序比单独开发的Native应用程序便宜50 - 60%. With a single development team, 您不再需要为协调两组开发人员而头痛, one for Android and one for iOS.

Multi platform support


通过对(单个)代码库进行一些修改,Flutter也可以制作网页和桌面应用. 这减少了您对多个软件开发人员的依赖, makes for fast and easy multi-platform development, 当然,这也进一步减少了支持和维护方面的麻烦. You have one developer for everything.

Alternatives to Flutter

真的,目前唯一能替代Flutter的就是Meta的了 React Native.

On GitHub, Flutter has about 35% more GitHub stars than React Native, or, to put it simply, it’s much more popular with the developer community, and much easier to learn than React Native as well.

React Native has also been around for longer than Flutter, 但近年来,它的受欢迎程度已经黯然失色——简单地说, Flutter is a better, more featured, better supported and more logical development framework.

React Native was developed from React, 这是一个最初设计用于构建网页的JavaScript库. Flutter是专门从第一原则设计的应用程序设计框架.

React Native比Flutter更复杂(因此更慢), is less performant and not as secure. 一个有意义的用例是,如果你有一些已经有JavaScript经验的内部开发人员,React Native可能值得考虑.

Do we need a chat about Flutter? 

如果你打算开发一个应用程序,那么从一开始就选择合适的框架是值得的. Here at Foresight, 我们是Flutter的狂热爱好者,也是英国最早采用谷歌革命性框架的公司之一.


Drop us a mail at 我们很乐意给你诚实的,没有义务的建议.

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