
我的手机应用可以使用多长时间 ?


当计划委托一个移动应用程序时, you need to consider a number of factors beyond “How much is this going to cost to develop?“


Suffice it to say that you need some kind of strategic plan to formulate why you’re having an app built, how you’re going to market it 和 - 在这里’s the point of this article - how long your app is going to last.




编写的应用程序, uploaded to a store 和 never touched again will invariably need a complete code rewrite once every 一到三年. 

我们还要考虑用户流失的因素. 平均而言,用户会删除应用 三个月 安装之后. 

然而,实际情况比这要复杂一些. Users tend to get rid of bad looking, slow or difficult to use apps. 好的应用程序往往会无限期地留在手机上. 很明显, no-one would commission an app which a user downloaded 和 then deleted shortly afterwards, 所以有良好的UX / UI设计和扎实的开发, 用户流失是一个你可以缓解的问题.



积极维护你的应用, the good news is that you might be able to completely avoid a major rewrite. Foresight使用Firebase和Flutter等技术, 哪些易于维护, 未来是否有几乎保证的可用性, 并且没有持续的服务器维护成本.

If your developers "refactor" the app - maintain individual parts of it to support new features, 平台发布和监控技术债务, 你将进一步延长应用的寿命. 更多全球最大的博彩平台重构和代码重写的内容 在这里.

当然,维护涉及到持续的成本. (Incidentally, we’re not vague about quoting for maintenance costs, we’ll give you straight figures. It’s a question which all reputable developers should be able to answer).

考虑到应用的维护成本,这将导致我们……. “我希望我的应用能持续多久?”



You don’t just go off 和 buy a car without any forward planning. 好吧. 无论如何,我们希望你不要这样做.

Unlike a car, mobile apps can't be bought secondh和, but the concept is much the same. 你不会指望一辆车能永远用下去. You can either have it regularly maintained so it lasts longer 和 retains its value, or you can drive it until it falls to bits or becomes economically inviable to repair.

You might just get a new one a few years down the line that aligns with your new priorities or target customers.


作为开发人员, we'd always advise you to ask your development team to keep your app well maintained. 

相反, t在这里's always the idea of the "disposable app" - identify a market, 发布一个应用程序来利用它, ride the crest of the wave 和 then gracefully sink underneath it as others do the same 和 the market space becomes more crowded.  

It might be that the average user deletes the average app within three to six months, 在这种情况下,“一次性应用”是有意义的. The opportunity which the app is designed to capitalise on disappears, 市场趋于饱和, 六个月到一年之后, 这是一个收益递减的例子.

This is unlikely to be the case (but it does happen) 和 remember, 应用程序总是可以被重新利用或添加功能.


A good developer should be able to talk all this through with you, 和, 让我们自吹自擂吧, 我们所做的. 

请随时与我们联系 www.foresightmobile.com 如果你想聊聊你的应用创意.


成立于2017年, Foresight Mobile是一家端到端移动开发机构, turning your concepts into engaging 和 robust solutions across mobile 和 the web. 我们在所有平台上使用最新的技术, ensuring that your products are built to last with the best performance.


产品原型设计, Android / iOS /跨平台手机应用开发, 创业的支持, "CTO as a service" 和 Next Generation technologies such as AR/ VR 和 iOT.

我们提供完全定制的产品, supporting clients from initial first design concepts to published apps which represent the best value for money, 最快的开发和最快的投资回报率.

We've been trusted by firms ranging in size from startups 和 SME's to large household names. 你可以查看我们的 全球最大的博彩平台的Flutter应用开发服务在这里.

想知道更多吗? ? 访问我们的网址: http://foresightmobile.com/

更多我们的博客文章可以在 http://foresightmobile.com/blog 

