
Brand awareness is the extent to which your brand is recognised by consumers. Creating and developing brand awareness is key to developing new products and services, 或者重振一个现有品牌.

这对你事业的成功至关重要. If people aren’t aware of your brand, your products and services, then they won’t make a purchase. If people don’t purchase your products and services, ultimately you have no business.

简单地说, 品牌知名度是成功的关键 以及企业的长期可持续性.


Companies that are able to maintain high-levels of brand awareness are likely to be more successful. They will experience higher levels of consumer engagement with their brand and will ultimately sell more products and services. 结果是, their marketing efforts will be more effective because they build on an existing understanding and appreciation of what their brand is all about.

Industry giants like Coca-Cola and Nike rely on very high levels of brand awareness to dominate their respective markets. 当你建立了一定程度的品牌知名度, 它就像一条保护对手的护城河.

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Revisit Tech Bites: Do the old rules of branding still apply in a digital world? Dawn Creative的综述.


Before you begin any brand awareness campaign it’s important to identify what it is you hope to achieve. You need to outline specific goals for your brand awareness strategy, that taken together will form a coherent set of brand awareness objectives.

Here’s some of the most common objectives for a brand awareness strategy:


Increasing web traffic to your site is a key objective to most brand awareness strategies. 你可能希望人们与你的内容互动, 检查您的产品范围或提示作出查询. Encouraging engagement with your digital content helps to promote and support brand awareness going forward. To achieve this a range of measurable goals will usually be decided upon and then tactics developed to help your business get there. 你可以实施一个社交媒体计划, 付费广告, 或者开发一种与有影响力的人接触的方法. 你可以衡量每种策略的成功程度, 放弃那些不起作用的,更多地关注那些起作用的.


A key part of brand awareness is promoting your products and services as part of an overall strategy of building a general knowledge of your brand. Specific products and services can be used to strengthen your brand awareness. 只要内容合适, delivered through the right channels you can increase the chances of your products and services being in front of the right people at the right time.


Brand awareness uses strategies to help strengthen your company reputation. With social media and the advent of online review sites a close attention needs to be paid to what customers are saying about your brand. Brand awareness uses a range of strategies to help foster a positive reputation for your brand and to challenge negative perceptions.


Another objective of brand awareness strategy is to foster a sense of customer loyalty. The goal should be to encourage customers to choose your brand over others. What aspects of your brand might they relate to and how do you communicate that to them?


To break through the online noise, you don’t always have to go for the hard sell approach. 而不是, you could opt for the softer and perhaps more long lasting approach of becoming a thought leader in your particular industry. With this strategy you’ll set your brand as a go-to resource for information, 创意和产品开发. You’ll have solutions to your customer’s pain points and even if audiences are not yet aware of your products they’ll come to your company for answers to questions and suggestions.

Brand awareness strategies can incorporate the objective of becoming a thought leader.

Use brand awareness to sell products, services and generate leads

Brand awareness is a crucial step when it comes to selling your goods or services. If people are not aware of your brand and what you do then they’re not going to buy your products. Brand awareness campaigns can be used to promote specific products and services, or they might be used to encourage people to take a specific action such as signing up for a mailing list, 要求报价, 下载电子书或小册子, 或者决定购买一种产品.


Brand awareness campaigns can be monitored over time, with attention paid to how well they perform. Are different aspects of a particular campaign more effective than others?  Going forward you can then optimise those aspects of previous campaigns that worked and remove those aspects that didn’t.

在Dawn Creative, we can help you develop brand awareness strategies that achieve your objectives and grow your business. 别再想了, 联系Dawn Creative 今天.

